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노즐 제조 전문업체, 플로우노즐, 오리피스, 벤츄리튜브, 링 등




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기업 기본 정보

서울특별시 금천구 가산디지털2로 108 (가산동) 뉴티캐슬
기업 소개

Speciality of Doyeong Precision Industrial

1 We have supplied so many and various kinds of Primary Devices (Flow Element for Differential Pressure, In-line Flow Metering) to big engineering companies and users in Korea and overseas ane sre registered by them as a competent sub-vender.

2 We control Design, Calculation, and Fabrication as continuous Process by a computer, and therefore, it is possible to agree with the client`s need for quality and delivery.

3 We have sufficient knowledge and experiences for overseas code and standards with which our export fields are quite wide.

4 Specialized in the specification and manufacturing of In-line Device for process flow measurement system. Manufactures Orifice Plate, Flow Nozzle, Venturi Tubes and reservoirs, using computerized design system. Decades of experience working with many of the world`s leading process system maker.

Flow is a basic characteristic of any process plant.

Flow is used to perform process control and metering.

Accurate, reliable flow metering assures efficient plant operations, improved energy use, increases safety and reduced total cost of ownership.

Knowledge of each system installed in each part of a process plant can help to assure successful start-up, eliminate delays and prevent refits.

Am efficient control system that installed in one flow line can positively impact on other, remote processes.

That’s is why correct materials selection and installation may determine smooth operations, and may even prevent unexpected events such as shutdown on fire.

Consult with the Flow Experts

Improved Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)

Fluid flowing through a pipe line increases in velocity when it passed through a throttle and, simultaneously, the pressure of its flow decreases.

The close relation between two equation is used to determine flow rate. Fluid velocity increases according to the equation of continuity. Fluid pressure drop is characterized by Bernouli`s equation.

But mathematics alone is not enough to assure good TCO. For each element in the system. Appropriate materials selection and correct configuration result in lower maintenance costs and better long-term accuracy.

기업 위치

서울특별시 금천구 가산디지털2로 108 (가산동) 뉴티캐슬