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Finned Batteries Cleaning
A/C Systems Cleaning and Disinfection - Indoor Unit Cleaning
Catalog-Errecom-Evaporator cleaner
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ERRECOMRepair Refrigerant Gas Leaks, Refrigerant Gas Leak Detection, Additives for AC/R Systems and more
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Finned Batteries Cleaning
AB1084.J.01, AB1084.N.01, AB1049.F.01, AB1049.J.01, AB1049.N.01, AB1225.Q.S1, AB1223.Q.S1, AB1222.Q.S1, AB1073.K.01, AB1073.P.01, AB1073.D.01
제품 상세 정보


Purifying Cleaners for Evaporators

Disinfectants registered in Germany (N-69546 - N-69545)

EVAPORATOR CLEANER, liquid and foam, is a purifying treatment in aerosol can formulated to deaply clean evaporator heat exchangers.


Deep hygiene to breathe healthy air

EVAPORATOR CLEANER is a purifying treatment to clean the air distribution duct of the air conditioner, incorporating and expelling all contaminating particles that can affect the quality of the air itself. Sprayed directly on the finned coils of the split or fancoil it removes dust, dirt, germs, allergens and microorganisms.

EVAPORATOR CLEANER evaporates quickly and completely without leaving residues and streaks. It eliminates bad smells and leaves a pleasant clean scent. EVAPORATOR CLEANER is suitable for the HACCP plan.


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Deep cleaning even in the dirtiest areas difficult to reach


The foam structure of EVAPORATOR CLEANER FOAM (leave to act 5 minutes) increases in volume reaching and removing even the dirtiest areas difficult to reach. Thanks to its long cannula, inserted in all air vents the operator can deeply purify the system and all the ducts, ensuring the best distribution of the product ever.


Purify the whole room

The use of INTERIOR PURIFIER, purifying treatment for interiors, in combination with EVAPORATOR CLEANER completes the purifying action of the room. The contaminants released into the room during the air conditioning cleaning operation are in fact captured by the INTERIOR PURIFIER molecules and their action is permanently blocked.

INTERIOR PURIFIER is registered in Germany as disinfectant (registration N-69547).


Biodegradable Alkaline Cleaner for Air Conditioners

ECOJAB is the air conditioner cleaner with the highest level of biodegradability that guarantees maximum respect for the environment.

EcoJab is formulated with natural surfactants. It does not contain acids, phosphates, solvents, and soda. Its biodegradability is significantly higher than that required by the current European legislation.

EcoJab is an extremely effective cleaner, safe for materials and the operator. Thanks to its alkaline-based formula, it is specifically designed to remove organic residues, dust, and mould. It is a fragrance-free product and therefore the ideal cleaner to use in situations where there is food.

EcoJab is HACCP compliant. It can be diluted up to 1:6 depending on the type of dirt to remove. The higher the concentration, the more effective it will be on particularly persistent dirt.

It can also be applied in foamy form thanks to the particular trigger it is equipped with. 



  • A biodegradability higher than the one required by the current European legislation.
  • Contains only natural surfactants.
  • Perfect to use in situations where there is food.
  • Can be diluted up to 1:6.
  • Can be applied both in liquid and foamy form thanks to the particular trigger.
  • Removes organic residues, dust, and mould.
  • HACCP compliant.


Pure Active Substances

Acid Ultra, Alkaline Ultra and Evo Ultra are pure active substances specifically designed and fromulated to dilute with water and for perfect cleaning of Air conditioning and refrigeration Condensers and Evaporators.


250 mL to obtain 5L cleaner ready to use

With 50 mL of pure active substance you obtain 1 L cleaner ready to use. The supplied dispenser allows to obtain the desired quantity of cleaner with a precision that a very perfoming chemical product like this needs. It’s not necessary to dilute the whole product in a single solution. The remaining product can be stored for future use.

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Dilution with any type of water

The extraordinary formula of these active substances allows to overcome the limits of water hardness. In fact, these products can be diluted with any type of water, including very hard ones and do not leave any residues on the surfaces.



The glass bottle and the recycled paper cardbox are Errecom’s answer to the world require to reduce plastic in the environment.

The whole packaging is 100% recyclable.


Scented Purifying Treatment for Surfaces

Disinfectant registered in Germany (N-69541)

LUXEDO is a scented purifying cleaner developed to remove germs and bacteria from all surfaces granting a deeper level of cleaning


Excellent hygiene without rinsing

LUXEDO grants a deep purifying and regenerative action. It’s non-aggressive on surfaces and rinsing is not required. Its formula doesn’t leave aggressive chemical residues and guarantees a deep cleaning action with a simple gesture. It’s suitable to HACCP plan.

It is the perfect solution to purify:

Offices: desks, monitor, keyboards, telephones, vending machines, handles, switchboards, elevator panels.

Kitchen: counter tops, household appliances, faucets.

Bathroom: bathroom fittings, shower floor, faucets.

Laboratories: work plans, equipment.

High chairs and changing tables

Surfaces made of glass


Electronic devices: cell phones, cordless, tablet, laptop.

Car: wheels, gear levers, door handles, dashboard, A/C vents.

Hospitals and nursing homes

Doctors’ officies and clinics

Schools: school desks, school-cafeteria, vending machines, locker room.

Sport facilities and equipments

Welness centers

Pub, restaurant, ice-cream parlors, hotel

Shops and alimentary processing industries


Germs and Bacteria Removal

LUXEDO removes germs and bacteria from most surfaces by purifying the environment. It eliminates allergens (from dust mites, dogs, cats, pollens) on hard and non-porous surfaces.

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Ready to Use

LUXEDO is an excellent and fast cleaner. It acts in just 5 minutes. Thanks to its fast and deep action, it’s the best solution for home, car and offices’ daily cleaning. It removes unpleasant smells releasing a fresh clean scent.

이 기업의 다른 제품
ERRECOMRepair Refrigerant Gas Leaks, Refrigerant Gas Leak Detection, Additives for AC/R Systems and more
에레컴 SPA는 2001년에 이탈리아 코르자노에서 탄생한 꿈입니다. 이탈리아 제품을 자랑스럽게 대표하는 회사로서, 20년 동안 세계적으로 공기 조화 및 냉동 시장의 참조점이 되었습니다. 성능과 우수성에 대한 진심 어린 열정을 느낄 수 있는 곳이며, 신뢰할 수 있고 현명한 파트너를 찾을 수 있으며, 경험을 공유하고 항상 한 발 앞설 수 있습니다. 혁신저희 생산 철학의 가치는 측정 가능한 사실로 입증되었습니다. 전 세계에서 1,000만 개 이상의 가스 누출 방지 제품이 판매되었으며, 130개국 이상으로 수출되었으며, OEM 제조사와의 협력을 통해 특화된 화학 제품을 개발하였으며, 시장을 선도하는 기업들과 파트너십을 맺어 에레컴 제품을 자체 브랜드로 판매하고 있습니다. 품질저희의 누출 방지제와 첨가제에 적용된 카트리지 기술, AC/R 시스템에 삽입해야 하는 제품의 양을 줄인 것, 냉동 시스템을 위한 고품질 윤활유, 내부 및 외부 장치용 특수 청소제, 그리고 가장 성능이 우수한 플러싱 액체 등은 저희 독특함과 독점성의 특징입니다. 성능자체 연구소, 최고 품질의 원료, 지속적으로 관리되는 생산 과정은 에레컴이 문제를 해결할 수 있도록 만들어줍니다. 지속 가능성생분해 가능한 원료, 친환경 포장재, AC/R 시스템의 성능을 시간이 지나도 최적화하는 제품: 통합적인 친환경 접근 방식입니다. 에레컴에게 지속 가능성은 행동과 선택에 관한 것뿐만 아니라 제품의 본질적 가치를 나타내기도 합니다.