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1-Methycyclopropene (1-MCP) Generating System




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기업 기본 정보

경기도 용인시 기흥구 구성로 357 (청덕동, A-807)
기업 소개

ECOPLANTS is a leading company that is highly developing innovative products in the agro-industry.


We are dedicated in ensuring that our products are world-class.
We have invested in intensive research and development to come up with products with proven efficacy and guaranteed results.


More than having a large market share in Korea, our goal is to be a trusted partner ensuring our clients get the maximum results in our product. As a testament to this, ECOPLANTS has been a long-time partner of LG Chemical (LG group) for over 10years.


For us, our Ethylene management product is more than just a product. It is a reflection of our pride and life-long strive for quality and efficiency.


The most efficient way to keep freshness.
Leading Innovative Technology


Established in 2002 with innovative products in the agro-industry. At the heart of this innovation is FreshLong™, ECOPLANTS’ patented
1-Methycyclopropene (1-MCP) generating device, which guarantees to enhance the shelf life of fruits and vegetables.

기업 위치

경기도 용인시 기흥구 구성로 357 (청덕동, A-807)