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Manufacturer of Precision Battery Monitoring, Testing, Conditioning and Restoration Equipment and Software




대리점 목록

모델 목록

기업 소개

Global Energy Innovations develops and manufactures precision battery test, monitoring and conditioning equipment and software for the stored energy and electrochemical test and measurement markets.

The core technology team at Global Energy Innovations are electrochemists, electronics designers and design engineers with years of experience in commercializing electrochemical diagnostic and monitoring systems – batteries, sensors, power systems, as well as electrochemical materials development.

The EC1000™ and EC2000™ Handheld ElectroChemical Battery Analyzer uses CELScan™ (Chemical Electrical Layer Scan) algorithms for accurately accessing the health of battery and battery systems. IBMS™ (Intelligent Battery Management System™) battery inventory management software is used for both presenting the EC1000™ and EC2000™ test results and accurately and efficiently managing your battery infrastructure.

The Dynapulse™ battery restoration, conditioning and charging product line works alongside the handheld analyzers to actively identify and restore batteries that are in a partial or heavily sulfated condition. When used in conjunction with the handheld Analyzers (CELScan™ ), batteries that are irreversibly sulfated and cannot be restored are immediately identified.

Global Energy Innovations’ products are used worldwide by mobile telecommunication operators, power generation plants and utilities, uninterrupted power systems operators, automobile manufacturers, industrial battery manufactures and many other battery users.

Global Energy Innovations only sells its accessories Online at this web site as well as through its Sales Office. For all other sales, please visit your local Distributor or Representative.

기업 위치

16 Buketraube Street, Saxenburg Park II Blackheath, Cape Town South Africa