대리점 목록
모델 목록
[단종] 전량식 안전밸브
JSV-FF41[단종] 발란스 벨로우즈식 안전밸브
JSV-BF31[Discontinued] Relief Valve
JSV-HF91[Discontinued] Vacuum Safety Valve (for steam and water)
JSV-LT13[Discontinued] Direct Acting Type
JRV-ST13/21[Discontinued] Direct Acting Type
JRV-ST41/SF41[Discontinued] Adjustable Valve of the Water Level (Solenoid)
JKWE[Discontinued] Adjustable Valve of Primary Pressure
JRV-FF11[단종] 가스용 안전밸브 (High Lift Type)
JSV-HT Series[Discontinued] Globe Valve for Gas
JGL-GF21[Discontinued] Emergency shut-off valve for tank lorry (Manual Type)
JTL-EF31[Discontinued] Safety Valves for Tank Lorry (Internal Type)
JTL-ST31[Discontinued] Switch Valve for Tank Lorry (Ball Type)
JTL-TF31[Discontinued] Disc Trap (Thermodynamic Type)
JTR-DT21/DF22[Discontinued] Heavy Duty Steam Trap (Mechanical Type)
JTR-FT11/FF11[Discontinued] Bucket Trap (Mechanical Type)
JTR-BF11[단종] 버켓 트랩
JTR-BT41[Discontinued] Diaphragm Steam Trap (Diaphragm Capsule Type)