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Diamond burnishing tools and roller burnishing tools Manufacturer, Sensor Tool




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기업 소개

Diamond burnishing is a progressive, high-precision and most cost-effective technology for finishing workparts. Scientists and engineers of K-SYSTEMS-TOBOL have brought to perfection the technology of diamond burnishing known and widely used Worldwide and in the former USSR.  Diamond burnishing tools and nanostructuring burnishing tools  "SENSOR-TOOL" ©  demonstrate the stability of processing, high speed of burnishing and are much more price-affordable than world analogues. All tools are patented in Russia and worldwide, are produced in series and are successfully applied at leading metalworking enterprises in Russia. K-SYSTEMS-TOBOL - is the most competent manufacturer of diamond burnishing tools in Russia.

기업 위치

Omskaya street 78a, Kurgan, Russia, 640027