대리점 목록
모델 목록
“We contribute to the advancement of society by creating innovative products and solutions.”
Ever since our foundation, Murata employees have cherished these words and have reflected upon them almost every day. Starting from the day of our establishment, we have undertaken business operations aimed at creating “originality” through intellect, building a broader and deeper foundation for an electronic society, and striving to truly enrich people’s lives. The corporate slogan that we have set forth is “Innovator in Electronics.” By leading innovation in the electronics industry and taking the initiative in working toward a better environment and society, we seek value creation through ingenious electronics development.
An IoT society is just around the corner in which a wide variety of objects are all connected via communications networks and enabled by IT solution services which are already a requirement in various fields. In the automotive industry, semiconductors and communication functions will increase through electrification and automated driving leading cars and trucks to adopt more smartphone like electronic and wireless communications capabilities and features. Not only are markets expanding for automobiles, but also in the related areas of services and infrastructure, which may further deepen the relationship between Murata and society.
We will continue contributing to the realization of a prosperous and sustainable society through our “global network and deep customer base,” “technological development capabilities,” and “Monozukuri (manufacturing) capabilities,” all Murata competencies cultivated through extensive experience, as well as the “organizational cooperation” of Murata employees that unites these strengths.
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) targets set by the United Nations for the year 2030 are consistent with our activities and direction. In order for us to work together with society to achieve sustainable growth into the future, we must make conscious efforts to incorporate the resolution of social issues, to which Murata can contribute due to our adherence to the perspective of the ESGs, into our management strategies, as well as efforts to conduct business in harmony with our stakeholders. In light of various social changes, we hope to contribute to the further advancement of society by operating our business from a broader perspective than ever before.
서울특별시 서초구 서초대로 411 (서초동, GT TOWER 21층, 22층)