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의료기기 전문업체, 환자감시장치, 인공호흡기, Ventilator, 산소포화도측정기, 산도농도계, 중앙모니터링시스템

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SU:M Series Aims to Help Successful Weaning

MEKICS understands a modern respiratory care system which demands  not only basic ventilation modes but also advanced functions for  successful  weaning  of  patient  and  for  supporting  clinician  as  well.

SU:M Series system becomes complete with useful functions for  successful and adaptive weaning function and assistant functions in  acute respiratory care such as Hemo Dynamics (SpO2, EtCO2) and Lung  mechanics. Additionally, HFV mode of SU:M Series could provide the  possibility of a new successful story from premature to adult patient  with or without Extra-Corporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO).

One of major topics of Conventional Ventilator in ICU is successful  weaning. MEKICS understands that reducing patient’s Work of Breathing  (WOB) and mismatching between patient and device are key factors for  successful weaning in acute invasive ventilation. SU:M series have these  core functions and performance. It has technical solution for reducing  asynchrony too. 

SU:M Series meets the essential requirements on  performance, accuracy and high safety. The SU:M  Series ventilator complys with:

• CE0470


• ISO13485

• ISO9001


Powerful Modes

The extendable strong configurations make SU:M Series  highly competitive.
Standard  :   PACV,  VACV,   PSIMV,  VSIMV,   SPONT, O2Stream®, tBi-level, PRVC, AutoVent®

High Frequency Ventilation (HFV)

SU:M Series provides a high level of clinical performance for  all the clinical demands from conventional to high frequency  ventilation. MEKICS’ unique pneumatic technology extends  the applicability of SU:M Series to HFV without any  additional hardware apparatus. It has also possibility to extend the

Reliability and Easy maintenance

The pneumatic system of SU:M Series is MEKICS’ unique  technology and it makes a basis for all the strong features  such as unique High Frequency Ventilation and high reliabil-  ity. Sohware based modes makes easier upgrade for  customer demands. SU:M series provides easy maintenance process with PC viewer economically including spare parts. 

SU:M Series Configurations

MEK-ICS  MV2000 1

ACV : Assist Control Ventilation Pressure Control  Synch 
SIMV : ronized Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation
SPONT : Spontaneous Ventilation
PRVC : Pressure Regulated Volume Control
CPR : Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
TCPL : Time Cycled Pressure limeted Ventilation
AwPRV : Airway Pressure Release Ventilation
HFV : High Frequency Ventilation

1. Dual High Frequency Ventilation

MEKICS’ unique principle of HFV has a couple of clinical  benefits. The first is that patient can be cared continu-  ously even without replacing the breathing circuit  between conventional mode and HFV mode. This  strong benefit helps safe and easy care.

The second is Dual Phase High Frequency Ventilation  (DHFV). It is a combined mode with CMV and HFV. The  CMV phase of DHFV could be used to intend either intermittent lung expansion or intermittent exhalation  under high frequency ventilation. The intermittent lung expansion works for insuVicient lung recruit process in  HFV with low MAP. On the other hand, intermittent lung  exhalation could have an eVect of improving insuVi-  cient CO2 ventilation and get measured EtCO2 in HFV  with high MAP.

MEK-ICS  MV2000 2

2. AutoVent®

AutoVent® mode of SU:M Series is to induct successful weaning depending on patient’s lung condition and patient  breathing eVort by adaptive reaction-controlled algorithm.  AutoVent® mode supports the optimal pressure controlled  tidal volume with calculated respiration rate. We believe  this mode is a possibly optimal solution to care patient’s  changing lung condition continuously.
A patient aher surgery without any specific lung disease, the  demand of patient’s breathing may change continuously.  AutoVent® mode could help clinician more concentrate on  patient-care than setting-device.

MEK-ICS  MV2000 3

3. SpO2, EtCO2 (Hemo Dynamics)

This option could provide information of metabolic-CO2 and SpO2 as the result of respiration. This information  could be useful to a clinician for patient care without independent gas monitoring system and for reducing  complete dependency on Arterial Blood Gas Analysis  (ABGA). Especially, it is intended to provide more useful and comprehensive clinical information from this  combination of CO2, SpO2 and flow information.

MEK-ICS  MV2000 4

4. Smart Weaning

Asynchrony in SIMV is a major challenge for successful  weaning process. The first mission is how to meet  patient’s respiratory demand with a set of volume and respiration rate. The second is how not to interrupt patient’s breathing eVorts. In other words, it means how to avoid fighting.
The principle of smart weaning is to support minimum- pressure level and to allow over set-volume continuously as patient’s demand increases in inhalation phase.
The inspiratory time is extended to detect expiratory start point(Ex-sense) not to interrupt the patient exhalation eVort.

MEK-ICS  MV2000 5

의료기기 전문업체, 환자감시장치, 인공호흡기, Ventilator, 산소포화도측정기, 산도농도계, 중앙모니터링시스템
기술을 통한 생명존중사상의 실천과 고객의 삶의 질 향상을 위한 ㈜멕아이씨에스의 노력은 오늘도 계속되고 있습니다. MEKICS는 창사 이래로 생명을 살리는 기술과 삶의 질 향상을 위한 서비스 제공을 통하여, 기업의 사회적 가치를 지속적으로 실현해 왔습니다. 회사의 사명인 MEKICS 는 Medical Equipment of Korea Intensive Care System 의 약자로써, 국내에서 유일하게 중환자용 의료기기 분야에 집중하며, 관련기술의 전문화 및 고도화를 통해 세계시장으로 뻗어 나가고자 하는 회사의 사업정체성과 목표를 분명하게 보여 주고 있습니다. 짧은 역사에도 불구하고, 중환자 의료기기 시장에서 회사의 노력과 성과는 결코 작지 않았다고 확신합니다. MEKICS는 환자감시장치 국내 기술 선도를 시작으로, 인공호흡장치 국내최초개발, 가정용 양압기 국내 최초개발, 소프트웨어 방식의 고주파 인공호흡기술 개발 및 복합형호흡치료기의 세계 선도 제품화 성공 등을 통해 인공호흡기 및 호흡치료기 제품 라인업의 제조능력을 보유한 범 아시아권 유일의 회사로 성장했습니다. ㈜멕아이씨에스는 지금까지 걸어온 길보다 앞으로 걸어가야 할 길이 많은 젊은 기업입니다. "국내최초", "중환자 의료기기 시장의 개척자", "국내유일" 등 그 동안 회사에 붙여진 수식어에 만족하지 않고 끊임없는 기술개발과 세계시장을 향한 도전을 지속할 것 입니다. 앞으로도 기업의 발전과 고객, 주주 및 임직원의 행복을 실현하기 위한 노력을 경주할 것을 약속 드립니다.