시뮬레이션 소프트웨어 공급업체, 구조, 다물체 동역학, 음향/소음, 비선형, 복합재료 해석 등 시뮬레이션 분야
Secure, Reliable, and Fast Access to Material Data
MaterialCenter Databanks is a comprehensive source of material information needed by engineers for research, product design and development, provided in conveniently accessible electronic format. The databanks are developed and maintained through MSC's partnerships with premier sources of materials information.
MaterialCenter Databanks fits easily into an organization's engineering process to achieve high return on investment with the following capabilities:
Why MaterialCenter Databanks
Each MaterialCenter Databank is priced separately from MaterialCenter.
- MIL-HDBK-17 Composites Databank
The MIL-HDBK-17 Databank is based on MIL-HDBK-17F and is a collection of structural composite lamina and laminate materials. MIL-HDBK-17 was produced by the Air Force Materials Laboratory for the Department of Defense and the Federal Aviation Administration. This Databank is maintained by the CMH-17 organization and comprises of the following composite systems:
Polymer-Matrix Composites
Metal-Matrix Composites
Ceramic-Matrix Composites
The Fiber Databank is included free of charge with MaterialCenter and contains a subset of the MIL-HDBK-17 Databank.
NCAMP Composites Databank
The NCAMP Databank contains composite materials property data derived from the NCAMP program. NCAMP, the National Center for Advanced Materials Performance, works with the FAA and industry partners to qualify material systems and populate a shared materials database that can be viewed publicly.
Material systems included are:
Cytec 5320-1
Cytec (formerly ACG) MTM45-1
Hexcel 8552
Newport NCT4708
TenCate TC250
MMPDS Metals Databank
MMPDS Databank is based on MMPDS (Metallic Materials Properties Development and Standardization) and contains the highest quality, comprehensive, electronic property data on metal alloy systems available. Battelle Memorial Institute maintains this databank, validates data entry, and renders new test data. MMPDS is comprised over 5,000 material records from 15 different material property databases.
The MMPDS Databank currently contains
The information includes raw or reduced curve data for tests such as
The Demo Metals Databank is included free of charge with MaterialCenter and contains a subset of the MMPDS Databank.
JAHM Temperature-Curves Databank
The MPDB Temperature-Dependent Databank is based on the Windows software product of the same name, developed by JAHM Software, Inc. for use by engineers. This dynamic and rapidly growing databank provides 2,722 materials and 23,197 sets of temperature dependent data in graphical format, fully pedigreed.
Material coverage includes but is not limited to:
Analysis-ready properties as functions of temperature including specific heat, elastic modulus, tensile yield strength, coefficient of thermal expansion, are available for these materials in this databank.
Machine Design's Materials Selector Databank
The MSC Materials Selector Databank Library is a collection of two Databanks derived from MACHINE DESIGN's Materials Selector, Penton Media, Inc., Cleveland, OH. The published version was originally compiled from data provided by various materials producers.
The MSC Materials Selector Databank contains over 2000 material records and sections of general information with properties and useful information in a number of categories:
The Materials Selector Databank is included free of charge with MaterialCenter.