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무선감지기, 적외선, 열선, 유리파손 감지기, 충격 감지기, LED 경광등




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기업 기본 정보

경기도 화성시 팔탄면 신양1길 29-15
기업 소개

SensorPro is organized with excellent professionals with plenty of experience in the field of security.

In addition, we have high technologies of intruder alarm detectors by OEM or ODM method in electronic security.

With these techniques, we developed software and hardware related to various intruder detectors.

SensorPro is committed to providing quality products, integrated system solutions and services to customers around the world.

However, since we know that any high technology without customer satisfaction is useless, we have set the goals of providing services and developing products for customer satisfaction.

기업 위치

경기도 화성시 팔탄면 신양1길 29-15