대리점 목록
모델 목록
Providing dependable electrical power distribution worldwide.
Shinsung has been leading the industry in Korea with innovative products and has set new trends in the industry.
Shinsung owns its own designs and the full capacity to manufacture equipment for electric power distribution systems and, a variety of fault interrupting and switchgear models, providing dependable electrical power distribution worldwide.
Its products include overhead line reclosers, overhead and pad mounted load break switches, pad mounted ring main circuit breakers, pole mounted sectionalizers, automatic load transfer switches, microprocessor based relays, and RTU based switchgear controls.
In addition to its finished products, Shinsung also develops and manufactures most parts and components to ensure that products are of the best quality.
The sole utility company in Korea, KEPCO (Korea Electric Power Corporation), has been purchasing Shinsung products for the last 16 years.
충남 천안시 서북구 성환읍 연암로 143 (신성)