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Neutrally Buoyant Tether 케이블 - Hydro Group
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신양기술해양관측기기 및 수질자동관측장비 개발업체
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Neutrally Buoyant Tether 케이블 - Hydro Group
제품 상세 정보

Underwater vehicles are normally tethered by an umbilical that supplies electrical power and fibre optics to transfer data. The umbilical tether also provides the physical link for launch and recovery of the vehicle, as well as the tracking and manoverability of the vehicle. The performance of the vehicle can be impaired by the cable drag and weight of the tether which in turn can snag or foul the tether on ocean structures. With careful design of the cable diameter to weight ratio's and thin wall insulated core conductors power does not require to be reduced and cable diameters compromised without negatively impacting on the overall performance of the underwater vehicle.

Neutrally buoyant tether cables gain buoyancy with thermal rubber (TPR) sheath materials which are extremly flaxible with good mechanical resistance. Expanded foam polyurethanes (ExPU) give extremly low specific gravity (SG) filling and jacket compounds. Thin wall insulated conductors also assit in reducing weight and diameter. Copper coated alloy conductors can also be used. Hydro Cables can offer prototype short lengthd to enable companies to trial run.   

Our Engineering design department designs custom cables to be suitable for the desired application. Together with our experience and the customers operational knowledge we determine the necessary tests to be carried out on the cable, depending on the performance and criteria it has to meet. 
Application field
Supplies electrical power and fibre optics to transfer data for underwater vehicles . 

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신양기술해양관측기기 및 수질자동관측장비 개발업체
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