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표층부력 - Telemark™ Cable Marker Buoys
Cable Marker Buoys Data Sheet
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해양관측기기 및 수질자동관측장비 개발업체

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표층부력 - Telemark™ Cable Marker Buoys
제품 상세 정보

Our market research highlighted a requirement for cable lay vessels servicing the submarine telecommunications industry to have a flexible, user friendly, low maintenance buoy system. As there is limited onboard stowage, cable lay vessels need to maximise cable deployment lengths on every trip. Working in conjunction with Global Marine Systems Ltd., we designed, and now manufacture, the Telemark™ modular buoy. 

The Telemark™ modular buoy is typically used as a marker/mooring buoy where the end of the fibre optic cable is attached to the buoy allowing the cable ship to return to shore.
Upon reaching the end of the cable, the position is marked and tied and subject to the depth of water the weight of the cable to be supported varies. The modular construction of the Telemark™ modular buoy gives the crew the ability to form a buoy with suitable nett buoyancy.
The buoy is constructed from thermolaminated, resilient polyethylene closed cell foam encapsulated within a protective layer of polyurethane elastomer around a custom designed steel column.
Buoyancy modules may be added or removed from the steel column offering a range of nett buoyancy from 3 - 12 Te.
The buoy is manufactured with two flat sides to allow safe on deck stowage and cost effective container transportation.
Cable lay vessels can now save valuable on board space and operate with a reduced number of buoys - with buoyancy variations available to suit ocean depths or coastal waters.
A range of smaller mini modular 1,800 - 6,300kg nett buoyancy units are also available.  



Telemark Buoys
Nett Buoyancy (kg) No of Modules Weight in Air (kgs)
3000 1 1514
6000 2 1916
9000 3 2318
12000 4 2720
Module dimensions: 2500mm x 2100mm


ㆍA flexible

ㆍUser friendly

ㆍLow maintenance buoy system.

해양관측기기 및 수질자동관측장비 개발업체
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