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드릴링 솔루션 - Rigid Riser Ancillaries
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드릴링 솔루션 - Rigid Riser Ancillaries
제품 상세 정보

We provide a range of riser accessories designed to complement the rigid Drill Riser Buoyancy Modules (DRBMs) in order that we can provide client with a comprehensive level of support and to ensure a seamless installation of the riser system.     

Stop Collars

Supplied as part of the main module contract or as replacement equipment, stop collars can be supplied to suit any design of module. Stop collars are manufactured in pairs and comprise a fixed and adjustable galvanised carbon steel collar which firmly holds the buoyancy modules in position axially on the drill riser joint.
Composite thrust collars are also available. They are significantly lighter than standard galvanised steel stop collars and have the added advantage that they can be used maintenance-free in situations where the drill riser pipe may be prone to frequent expansions and contractions due to either thermal or mechanical pressure loads.

Polykap™ (Pin & Box Protectors)

Shinyang Technology Drilling Solutions - Rigid Riser Ancillaries
During riser transportation and storage, the pin and box connectors may be subject to accidental damage. To address this, we supply a range of Polykap™ protectors. Polykap™P (pin) and Polykap™B (box) are moulded in a high performance, low density polyurethane elastomer. Typically weighing no more than 25kg each, they exhibit extremely high impact and abrasion resitance properties while retaining a low weight in air to aid handleability.


Riser Shims

Where the riser string is "trimmed" to suit subsea currents there can often be an occasion to run a portion of the riser string in the "bare" condition, i.e. without buoyancy modules. Bare riser joints present a number of problems onboard the drill platform. Firstly, they become difficult to store as the joint has a smaller and irregular external profile. Secondly, the joints become very susceptible to impact damage as they are passed through the rotary table. To overcome this problem, a wide range of riser shims are available, moulded to the same geometry as Drill Riser Buoyancy modules in a high performance, low density polyurethane elastomer. Exhibiting extremely high impact and abrasion properties, they enable the bare joint to be stored in the same "stack" as the dressed riser and minimise the chance of operating damage during deployment and recovery. Shims are typically installed two per joint (subject to joint length) and are approximately 48 inches long. 

해양관측기기 및 수질자동관측장비 개발업체
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