Microcontrollers, Microprocessors, Amplifiers, Comparators, Audio ICs, Automotive ADAS Devices, Data Converters and more
대리점 목록
모델 목록
We are creators and makers
We are 46,000 creators and makers of semiconductor technologies, devices, and solutions that start with our employees, with our 100,000 customers, and with our thousands of partners. Together, we design and build products, solutions and ecosystems that address the sustainability and resource management challenges our customers are facing, while helping them seize opportunities they are pursuing.
This is why we have 8,100 R&D employees, invest about 16% of our revenues in R&D every year, and engage in extensive collaboration with leading research labs and corporate partners throughout the world. Moreover, we are continuously investing in our footprint as an independent device manufacturer. Our 11 manufacturing sites master all aspects of the semiconductor supply chain and offer our customers the quality, flexibility, and supply security they need.
서울특별시 서초구 강남대로 465 (서초동, 교보타워 A동 19,23,24층)