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Xeuss 3.0
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Xeuss 3.0
제품 상세 정보

The Next Generation beamline for the laboratory

  • Maximum flexibility
  • Ultimate performance
  • Plenty of space for sample environment

The Xeuss 3.0 is the latest generation instrument in the proven Xeuss family and is already installed in leading research facilities around the world. It incorporates all the latest innovations from Xenocs for added capabilities, flexibility and ease-of-use.

“The Xeuss is a fantastic boost to our research. We use it a lot in combination with synchrotron experiments.
Before going to the synchrotron, we use it to select the best samples, improve sample preparation process and perform preliminary analysis. Then, when back in Sheffield, we can refine data with the Xeuss, for publication and further research.”

Dr. Oleksandr Mykhaylyk, the University of Sheffield, UK

Accelerate your research

The Xeuss 3.0 is used for many applications.

Select your application

Size, structure, shape, orientation...

Characterize the nanostructure of soft-matter and nanomaterials using SAXS/WAXS and USAXS technique in transmission or grazing incidence mode.

  • Particle size distribution ranging from few nanometers to more than 350 nm in diameter
  • Crystallization rates and lamellar structure of semicrystalline polymers
  • Size and shape analysis of surfactants or proteins in solutions
  • Organization and orientation of nanomaterials at atomic or nanoscale, in bulk phases or at surfaces
  • Phase segregation studies of alloys
  • In situ studies of nanostructure transitions

Select the characterization you are interested in

Discover our application notes :

Determination of polymer crystallinity

Low detection limit of crystallinity

Protein structure resolution

Silk fiber nanostructure investigation

Investigation of Gold Nanoparticles

Maximum flexibility

Provide structural tools to a large community of users with full remote operation capability and access to a unique range of length-scales.

Advanced nanomaterials development and design require characterization over a large range of length scales. The Xeuss 3.0 offers such measuring capability over up to 5 orders in magnitude in q (wave vector) through entirely motorized change of configurations. Any trained user can thus operate the system remotely over its complete measurement range for a given sample or batch of samples.

Automatic change of measuring settings include:

  • Q-Xoom change of measurement resolution through motorized translation of detector
  • Sequential SAXS /USAXS measurement with Bonse-Hart USAXS module
  • Change of energy radiation, up to 3 energies
  • Movable WAXS detector for out of equilibrium in situ SWAXS studies
  • InXight X-ray imaging module

Ultimate performance

The Xeuss 3.0 offers a maximum flexibility of measurement configurations to get the best possible data quality on any type of sample.

In particular, the following key features enable the user to optimize experiments or results:

  • High flux settings adapted for fast kinetics embedded in a low background camera
  • Largest surface of detection moveable all the way from WAXS to long distance SAXS to optimize resolution and signal-to-noise
  • Long distance SAXS settings for measuring large characteristic dimensions (> 300 nm)
  • Optional USAXS module to characterize  large structures ( > 4 µm)

Xeuss 3.0 shown with Q-Xoom transparency to illustrate the moving detector.

Plenty of space for sample environment

With its large chamber and concept ensuring stationary sample during measurement, the Xeuss 3.0 is the perfect X-ray scattering platform instrument for now and the future.

Advanced materials research and characterization could require integration of specific or customized sample environments.
Xeuss 3.0 is perfectly adapted for such new projects thanks to its state of the art beamline concept.
It provides:

  • Large vacuum chamber with stationary sample during measurement (continuous on-axis sample viewing, smart integration of customized sample environments)
  • Sample stage with long translations for sample mapping and batch measurements
  • Broad range of standard sample environments with holder recognition

Xenocs는 고객에게 나노 규모의 특성화를 위한 제품과 서비스를 제공함으로써 고급 재료의 연구, 개발 및 생산을 지원합니다. Xenocs의 솔루션은 소형 및 광각 X선 산란(SAXS/WAXS)을 기반으로 합니다. SAXS/WAXS 기술에 대한 자세한 내용은 SAXS 웹 페이지를 참조하십시오. Application 메뉴를 통해 폴리머 연구, 구조 생물학, 나노 입자 & 콜로이드, 재생 에너지, 식품 과학, 화장품 & 소비자 관리, 오일 & 가스 및 다양한 무기 재료와 같은 다양한 연구 분야에서 현대 SAXS가 사용되고 있는 것에 대한 많은 정보를 찾을 수 있습니다. 특성화 페이지에서는 X선 산란을 사용하여 실험실에서 수행할 수 있는 측정 유형의 몇 가지 예를 제공합니다. SAXS/WAXS 계측기 포트폴리오에 대한 자세한 설명은 제품 웹 페이지를 참조하십시오. 기술 자료 메뉴를 통해 일부 응용 프로그램 노트와 연구소 기기와 관련된 많은 고객 출판물 목록을 열람 할 수 있습니다.