대리점 목록
모델 목록
YL Fraction Collector
-YL 공정용 펌프
-YL Chromatography Data System
AUTOCHRO-ⅡYL Chromatography Data System
YL-ClatiryYL GC/MS System
YL6900 GC/MSVapor APCI
-Direct Mass Analysis of Solid and Liquid Samples
-Compact Mass Spectrometer (ExpressIon S, ExpressIon L)
-OptiMass 9600
-TLC-Mass Interface (Plate Express)
-YL Chromatography Data System
YL-ClatiryGC/MS Library (Wiley, NIST)
-YL Chromatography Data System
YL-ClatiryYL Chromatography Data System
AUTOCHRO-ⅡYL-5 Capillary Column (GC Column)
-YL C18-4D Column (LC Column)
-Type Ⅰ Grade Water
aquaMAX™- Ultra 370 seriesType Ⅱ/Ⅲ Grade Water
aquaMAX™- Basic 360 series