Nonferrous metal casting and electrical equipment, Fitting, Filling machine, Aluminum for gas reduction switching device and more
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Since DONGNAM was founded in 1984 as a specialized manufacturer of non-ferrous metal casting and electrical equipment, we have leaded the hardware industry of transmission, substation and distribution, and optical communication line system which are one of infrastructure in Korea.
In the early 1990s, we started to develop the aluminum enclosures for gas insulated switchgear (GIS) and the conductors which require the top grade of casting technology. Furthermore, we acquired the exclusive and the world-class technology in which all of our efforts are concentrated in this field.
Currently, our products have been supplied to the gigantic manufacturers of heavy electrical equipment domestically and internationally. We are proud of our products quality which is highly popular among those customers. We have produced 25.8kV, 72.5kV, 170kV GIS, succeeded in developing 29kV GIS recently and contributed to a part of the electric power industry in Korea.
Simultaneously, the vigorous sales activities have been performed with the highly updated production facility and the excellent quality management based on the accumulated technology.
In the future, we would continuously do our best to lead the electric equipment industry with the technical improvement and the global marketing, and strongly promise to contribute to the advance of the customers with technology and quality. We hope that you could love and trust us without any change.
54 Hyeoksinsandan 5-gil, Wanggok-myeon, Naju-si, Jeollanam-do