폭발성 환경, 해양 및 광산업을 위한 특수 케이블 글랜드, 정션 박스, 스레드 변환기 및 전기 부속품
대리점 목록
모델 목록
CCG BW Captive Cone Gland® for SWA and Aluminium Armoured Cable
BWCCG D1W Captive Component Gland® for Steel Wire Armoured and Aluminium Armoured Cable
D1WCCG CW Captive Component Gland® for Steel Wire and Aluminium Armoured Cable
CWCCG E1W Captive Component Gland® for SWA and Aluminium Armoured Cable
E1WCCG E1W VS Captive Component Gland® for SWA, Copper Tape or Lead Sheathed Cable
E1W VSCCG A2 Single Compression Gland for Unarmoured Cable
A2CCG A2-FHC Compression Gland for Unarmoured Cable Housed in Conduit
A2-FHCCCG A2X Double Compression Gland for Unarmoured Cable
A2XCCG IPlus Corrosion Guard Captive Component Gland® for Steel Wire Armoured Cable
IPlus Corrosion GuardCCG POSI FLEX Compression Gland for Unarmoured Cable
POSI FLEXCCG CW Insulated Captive Component Gland® for SWA and Aluminium Armoured Cable
CW InsulatedCCG CX/Z Insulated Captive Component Gland® for Braided and Steel Tape Armoured Cable
CX/Z InsulatedCCG E1W Insulated Captive Component Gland® for Steel Wire Armoured and Aluminium Armoured Cable
E1W InsulatedCCG CW Integral Earth Captive Component Gland® for Steel Wire and Aluminium Armoured Cable
CW Integral EarthCCG E1W Integral Earth Captive Component Gland® for Steel Wire Armoured and Aluminium Armoured Cable
E1W Integral EarthCCG A2 LSOH Compression Gland for Unarmoured Fire Rated Cable
A2 LSOHCCG A2 LSOH EMC Compression Gland for Unarmoured Fire Rated Braided Cable
A2 LSOH EMCCCG CW LSOH Outer seal for SWA and Aluminium Fire Rated Cable