폭발성 환경, 해양 및 광산업을 위한 특수 케이블 글랜드, 정션 박스, 스레드 변환기 및 전기 부속품
대리점 목록
모델 목록
CCG A2FX Ex db I/IIC, Ex eb I/IIC, Ex tb IIIC, Ex nR IIC Double Compression Gland for Unarmoured Cable
A2FXCCG A2EX Ex db IIC, Ex eb IIC, Ex ta IIIC, Ex nR IIC Double Compression Gland for Unarmoured Cable
A2EXCCG A2F Ex db I/IIC, Ex eb I/IIC, Ex ta IIIC, Ex nR IIC Displacement Seal for Unarmoured Cable
A2FCCG A2F-R Ex db I/IIC, Ex eb I/IIC, Ex ta IIIC, Ex nR IIC Displacement Seal for Unarmoured / Tray Cable
A2F-RCCG TMC Class I / II / III, Div. 2; Class I Zone 1, AEx e/ Ex e Zone 21 AEx tb / Ex tb; Class 1 Zone 2 AEx nR Ex nR; Ex e / Ex tb / Ex nR, IP 66/67/68 (Metric), IP65 (NPT); Type 4X Cable Connector for use with MC, MC-HL or TECK Cables
TMCCCG for General Industrial and Hazardous Area Installations
-CCG TMCX Class I,II,III Div. 1,2; Class I Zone 1 AEx d / Ex d, AEx e/ Ex e Zone 21 AEx tb / Ex tb; Class I Zone 2 AEx nR/ Ex nR Ex d / Ex e, Ex tb, Ex nR IP66/67/68 (Metric) IP65 (NPT), Type 4X Cable Sealing Connector for use with MC-HL OR TECK Cables
TMCXCCG for General Industrial and Hazardous Area Installations
-CCG for General Industrial and Hazardous Area Installations
-CCG for General Industrial and Hazardous Area Installations
-CCG for Hazardous Area Installations
-CCG for General Industrial and Hazardous Area Installations
-CCG for General Industrial and Hazardous Area Installations
-CCG for General Industrial and Hazardous Area Installations
-CCG for General Industrial and Hazardous Area Installations
-CCG for General Industrial and Hazardous Area Installations
-CCG for General Industrial and Hazardous Area Installations