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Total Care
A/C Systems Cleaning and Disinfection - Disinfection
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ERRECOMRepair Refrigerant Gas Leaks, Refrigerant Gas Leak Detection, Additives for AC/R Systems and more
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Total Care
RKAB37.S1, RKAB38.S1, RKAB39.S1, RKAB36.S1, RKAB40.S1, RKAB41.S1, RKAB42.S1
제품 상세 정보

Purifying treatment for A/C systems, cockpits and interiors

TOTAL CARE is the purifying treatment developed to thoroughly sanitise air conditioning systems and all vehicle cockpit surfaces, leaving a pleasant clean feeling.

TOTAL CARE is also indicated for sanitising splits and interiors.


Two-Step Sanitising Process
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Step 1: sanitising the air conditioner

Evaporator Cleaner Foam adheres perfectly to evaporator fins and air duct surfaces, removing dirt and all microorganisms that contaminate the A/C system, causing bad odours and potential illnesses.

The foam, as it increases in volume, purifies the air ducts, incorporating and expelling all contaminating particles (dust, dirt, allergens and microorganisms) that may affect air quality.

Its long cannula reaches deep into the air conditioning system, ensuring the best product distribution.

Before using Evaporator Cleaner Foam, remove the cabin air filter.

Step 2: sanitising cockpit and interiors

INTERIOR PURIFIER purifies the air and all surfaces in the passenger compartment or surrounding area, removing any scattered contaminating particles and releasing a pleasant scent.

Its continuous flow saturates the environment, reaching even the most difficult-to-reach surfaces without wetting or leaving residues.



  • Sanitises car A/C systems and cockpits.
  • Sanitises indoor air conditioning units and interiors.
  • Cleans and purifies air ducts.
  • Removes contaminating particles that causes the bad smell.
  • Used regularly, it guarantees healthy air in the cockpit or interior.
  • Does not wet and leaves no residue.
  • Ready and easy to use.


TOTAL CARE consists of two aerosol cans: Evaporator Cleaner Foam and Interior Purifier.

TOTAL CARE is available in 7 pleasant fragrances: mint, lemon, vanilla, green apple, talcum powder, strawberry and peach.

이 기업의 다른 제품
ERRECOMRepair Refrigerant Gas Leaks, Refrigerant Gas Leak Detection, Additives for AC/R Systems and more
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