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SaniBact (Disinfectant for Surfaces)
Horeca Solutions
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SaniBact (Disinfectant for Surfaces)
AB1085.Q.01, AB1085.M.01, AB1085.K.01, AB1085.P.01, AB1085.D.01
제품 상세 정보

Disinfectant for Surfaces

SANIBACT is a highly concentrated disinfectant Presidio Medico Chirurgico with Virucidal and Bactericide efficacy, specifically developed to kill germs and bacteria on all surfaces granting a deeper level of disinfection.



Presidio Medico Chirurgico

SANIBACT is a highly concentrated disinfectant Presidio Medico Chirurgico (registration no 20145).

Suitable for HACCP plan.

It is the perfect solution to disinfect:

Offices: desks, monitor, keyboards, telephones, vending machines, handlys, switchboards, elevator panels.

Kitchen: counter tops, household appliances, faucets.

Bathroom: bathroom fittings, shower floor, faucets.

Laboratories: work plans, equipment.

High chairs and changing tables

Surfaces made of glass


Electronic devices: cell phones, cordless, tablet, laptop.

Car: wheels, gear levers, door handles, dashboard, A/C vents.

Hospitals and nursing homes

Doctors’ offices and clinics

Schools: school desks, school-cafeteria, vending machines, locker room.

Sport facilities and equipment.

Welness centers

Pub, restaurant, ice-cream parlors, hotel

Shops and alimentary processing industries.


Virucidal and Bactericide Efficacy

Its formulation is based on three active substances that work together to make the product more efficient and suitable for different circumstances.

It kills germs and bacteria on most surfaces by sanitizing the environment. It is effective against the following viruses: influenza, Hepatitis B/C, HIV, rota viruses, noro viruses and Ebola viruses.

Concerning the bacteria, it passes the tests: EN1276 – EN13697

For molds it passes the EN13697 test.

It eliminates allergens (from dust mites, dogs, cats, pollens) on hard and non-porous surfaces.

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With 1 Liter of Sanibact you obtain 25 Liters of Disinfectant ready to use

SANIBACT is a highly concentrated product: it requires a dilution of 1:25. With only 40 ml of product you obtain 1L of disinfectant ready to use. It acts in just 5 minutes. Its formula doesn’t leave aggressive chemical residues and guarantees a deep disinfectant action with a simple gesture.

이 기업의 다른 제품
Repair Refrigerant Gas Leaks, Refrigerant Gas Leak Detection, Additives for AC/R Systems and more
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