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MSC Apex Modeler
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한국엠에스씨 소프트웨어(주)

시뮬레이션 소프트웨어 공급업체, 구조, 다물체 동역학, 음향/소음, 비선형, 복합재료 해석 등 시뮬레이션 분야

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MSC Apex Modeler
제품 상세 정보

CAE specific direct modeling and meshing solution that streamlines CAD clean-up, simplification and meshing workflow

MSC Apex Modeler is a CAE specific direct modeling and meshing solution that streamlines CAD clean-up, simplification and meshing workflow. The solution features sophisticated and interactive tools that are easy to use and easy to learn.

Direct Modeling - Direct modeling allows users to create and edit geometry interactively. Simply select the entities of interest, such as a face, edge or vertex, and push, pull, or drag to implement any modifications. Direct Modeling is complemented with built in meshing technology.

Direct Modeling and Meshing - For models that have already been meshed and require further geometry modification, use any of the Direct Modeling or Geometry Clean-up/Repair tools and the mesh will be immediately regenerated.

Easy to Use, Easy to Learn - MSC Apex was designed to have multi-purpose tools so as to make the application easy to use. It also features numerous learning aids such as tutorials, video based documentation, workflow and at-mouse instructions which promotes single day productivity.

Direct Modeling and Meshing Workflow

Remove numerous & unnecessary features

Specify feature type, such as chamfers, holes and cylinders. Then define feature dimension ranges, and automatically remove targeted features from the model.

Interactively extract midsurfaces

Automatically or manually perform midsurface extraction. Options include: auto offset, constant thickness, distance offset, and tapered midsurface.

Repair surfaces with direct modeling

Select an edge or vertex and interactively drag it to a desired location. Guidelines provide a preview of the action being performed.

Mesh geometry and define mesh criteria

Mesh models based on mesh size, element type, mesh seed and feature.

Continue repairing with direct modeling and meshing

Use direct modeling to further repair geometry that may already be meshed. Slivers or cracks may easily be resolved while the mesh is regenerated automatically.

Automatically create thickness and offset assignments

Use Auto Thickness and Offset to create numerous property definitions for shell elements, and export to .bdf format.

한국엠에스씨 소프트웨어(주)
시뮬레이션 소프트웨어 공급업체, 구조, 다물체 동역학, 음향/소음, 비선형, 복합재료 해석 등 시뮬레이션 분야
MSC Software는 최초로 설립된 10개 소프트웨어 회사 중 하나로, 다분야 통합 시뮬레이션 분야의 세계적인 선두 기업입니다. MSC Software는 업계의 우수한 인재들과 함께 매일 새로운 도전을 이어나가며, 우리가 살고, 일하고, 즐기는 삶의 전 영역에 큰 영향을 미치는, 세계 최고 수준의 제품 개발에 기여하고 있음에 자부심을 갖고 있습니다.