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Virtual Test Drive
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CATALOG-MSC Software-Virtual Test Drive
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한국엠에스씨 소프트웨어(주)시뮬레이션 소프트웨어 공급업체, 구조, 다물체 동역학, 음향/소음, 비선형, 복합재료 해석 등 시뮬레이션 분야
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Virtual Test Drive
제품 상세 정보

Complete tool-chain for driving simulation applications

VTD is our toolkit for the creation, configuration, presentation and evaluation of virtual environments in the scope of road and rail based simulations. It is used for the development of ADAS and automated driving systems as well as the core for training simulators. It covers the full range from the generation of 3d content to the simulation of complex traffic scenarios and, finally, to the simulation of either simplified or physically driven sensors. It is used in SiL, DiL, ViL and HiL applications and may also be operated as co-simulations including 3rd party or custom packages. By its open and modular design it can easily be interfaced and integrated.

Creation of Virtual Worlds

Our interactive Road Network Editor (ROD) allows to design road and rail networks in full detail with unlimited numbers of lanes, complex intersections, comprehensive signs and signaling. It links and exports logic and graphic data consistently from a single source.

Virtual worlds can be designed from scratch or compiled from existing database tiles. Various import and export formats as well as large libraries of 3D models and country specific signs/signals accelerate the creation process.

All logics data is exported compliant to the OpenDRIVE® format. OpenCRG® data can be linked to a database. The export of the graphics data may be customized.

Configuration of Virtual Worlds

Dynamic content is defined with our interactive scenario editor. It visualizes the underlying OpenDRIVE® database and allows the user to specify traffic as individual objects and as autonomous swarms around key entities. Both, left- and right-hand driving environments are supported. Our large library of vehicles, pedestrians and driver properties may easily be customized. With a few mouse clicks, the user may define paths for individual entities, configure signal control programs, place objects and add events from a large set of actions.

Real-time monitoring and command injection is supported during the simulation phase. Native support for OpenSCENARIO has been available since 2018.

Simulations of Virtual Worlds

No matter what environment you are running in (XiL), what your time-base looks like (real-time or non real-time) or which additional components are involved (co-simulations) – VTD will seamlessly adapt. At any time, the user may take full control over the execution of the simulation, specify varying time steps and consume object, image and sensor data via a whole range of interfaces (network, shared memory etc.). Any number of externally computed entities may be injected and multiple installations may either run in parallel or inter-connected. VTD may be operated from a single computer up to a full-scale HPC environment.

Customization of Virtual Worlds

VTD is an out-of-the-box solution but doesn’t stick to this box. The user may customize VTD on various levels. We provide SDKs along with ready-to-go templates for sensor simulation (object-list based and physics based), dynamics simulation and image generation. Our open interfaces for run-time data and simulation control make it easy to integrate VTD in any environment. VTD runs on Linux systems and is – by its extensive use of network interfaces – not only modular but also extremely scalable.

한국엠에스씨 소프트웨어(주)시뮬레이션 소프트웨어 공급업체, 구조, 다물체 동역학, 음향/소음, 비선형, 복합재료 해석 등 시뮬레이션 분야
MSC Software는 최초로 설립된 10개 소프트웨어 회사 중 하나로, 다분야 통합 시뮬레이션 분야의 세계적인 선두 기업입니다. MSC Software는 업계의 우수한 인재들과 함께 매일 새로운 도전을 이어나가며, 우리가 살고, 일하고, 즐기는 삶의 전 영역에 큰 영향을 미치는, 세계 최고 수준의 제품 개발에 기여하고 있음에 자부심을 갖고 있습니다.