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Special Electronics
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신성전자(주)음향기기 업체, 스피커, 앰프, PA
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Special Electronics
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SHINSUNG Special Electronics

Feature of Product

•Automatically adjusts paging level as ambient noise levels rise and fall
•Supports up to 4 small sensor microphones (1 ANS500M included) for large areas
•Sensor microphones can be located up to 2,000 feet from control unit
•Easily connects in at pre-amp out -power amp in process loop
•Input/output: 600-ohm balanced, unbalanced

•Consists of an ANS501 control unit, an ANS500M microphone module, and a power supply
•Balanced input and output
•Unbalanced input and output
•Unbalanced stereo AUX inputs (summed mono)
•AUX inputs bypass gain control feature
•Remote defeat connections (to disable level boost)
•Automatically adjusts level of page announcements
•Run/Set mode switch
•ANS501 can be wired in between preamp and power amp or to amplifier insert jacks
•Maximum boost; activity threshold; relative gain; AUX input level; ramp speed; and ambient MIC input threshold controls
•Supports up to four microphones wired in parallel
•Microphone wire run can be up to 2,000 feet with no appreciable loss of signal
•Microphone module includes an adjustable mounting bracket for precise positioning
•Powered by a 12V wall-mounted power supply that operates from 120V AC

SHINSUNG Special Electronics  1

Feature of Product

•2 sets of C-Form (N.O. & N.C.) relay contacts respond to audio activity
•4 levels of input signals: microphone, 600-ohm line, 25V, & 70V speaker systems
•Built-in balanced, low noise, high gain microphone pre-amp
•A transformer-isolated, 600-ohm small signal level output of detected audio available
•Trigger threshold adjustment

•Monitors audio activity over a wide range of input voltages
•Two sets of C-Form (both N.O. and N. C.) relay contacts respond to audio activity
•Four levels of signals: microphone, 600-ohm line, 25V, and 70V speaker systems
•Built-in balanced, low noise, high gain microphone pre-amp
•Transformer-isolated, 600-ohm small signal level output of detected audio available
•Works with self-amplified or central-amplified paging systems
•Separate microphone pre-amp gain control
•Adjustable release delay: 0.25s to 25s
•Trigger threshold adjustment
•Relay active indicator light
•Accessories: PRS40C 12V DC Power Supply (sold separately)

SHINSUNG Special Electronics  2

Feature of Product

•4 types of tones: steady, pulsed alarm, slow whoop, and chime
•Tones triggered by external contact closure (momentary or long duration)
•Choice of continuous generation of tones or two-burst operation (except for steady tone)
•External audio signal can pass through TG4C and is suppressed during tone generation
•Adjustable tone level and pitch
•600-ohm output

•4 types of tones: steady, pulsed alarm, slow whoop, and chime
•Tones triggered by external contact closure (momentary or long duration)
•Choice of continuous or two-burst tone (except for steady tone)
•Tone generation reset available
•Adjustable tone level and pitch
•Operates on 12 – 48V DC, positive or negative ground
•Built-in precedence over interconnected program source
•Accessory AC adapter (Model PRS40C) available for operation from a 120V AC, 60 Hz source
•600-ohm output
•Line-matching transformer (Model WMT1A) available for standard 600-ohm telephone line connections
•Screw terminal connections

SHINSUNG Special Electronics  3

Feature of Product

•Responds to 90V ring signals or external contact closures
•Produces dual-frequency electronic ringer tone
•Easily connects to any paging system
•Automatically mutes background music while ringing
•Ringer volume control
•Compact size
•Low current draw

•Eliminates expensive, old fashioned night bells
•Low-cost protection against missed calls
•Electronic warble tone rings through paging system speakers
•Music input with automatic muting
•Connects easily to amplifier
•Activated by 90V ring or contact closure
•Adjustable volume
•Low current draw
•No Maintenance
•FCC Part 68 approved

신성전자(주)음향기기 업체, 스피커, 앰프, PA
1978년 신성전자통신(주)로 설립된 이래, 변함없는 고객들의 성원과 임직원들의 끊임없는 노력에 힘입어, 그동안 세계적인 품질의 혼스피커를 생산해 오2010년 11월부터 산업용 앰프 제품 생산을 추가하여 신성전자(주)로 새로이 발돋움하였습니다.  그동안, 당사의 성장발전에 무한한 성원을 보내주신 여러분께 진심으로 감사드립니다. 저희 신성전자(주)는 고객의 다양한 요구에 대응하기 위해 기술개발, 신시장 개척, 획기적인 경영 시스템 그리고 생산 전모델에 대해, UL, ETL 등 해외 규격을 인증받아 고객 만족을 실현 하고 있습니다. 이러한 안정화된 품질 시스템과 모든 신성전자의 노력으로 해외 마케팅 활동을 적극 활성화 하고 있으며, 보다 강화된 품질 시스템을 바탕으로 지속적인 매출증대의 성과를 올리고 있습니다.  앞으로도 고객으로부터 변함없이 신뢰받을 수 있는 기업으로 그리고 전자, 통신업게의 새로운 패러다임을 선도할 수 있는 세계적인 기업이 되도록 노력하겠습니다. 