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해양관측기기 및 수질자동관측장비 개발업체

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엘라스토머 베어링
제품 상세 정보

Trelleborg has a long tradition of manufacturing flexible sub structure elements combining rubber and steel. Traditionally this technology has been applied to the foundations of bridges in connection with road construction.

Elastomers are an ideal form of maintenance-free material for offshore applications where energy absorption and vibration reduction combined with movement tolerance is required. Trelleborg use advance modelling techinques to predict the stress versus strain characteristics and also study the fatigue life of our bearings.

Elastomeric Bearings are steel laminated elastomer bearings. They are used to accomodate axial, shear and rotational movement. A variety of high to medium load bearings can be manufactured to suit all specifications. It is commonly used in the offshore market with our specially formulated elastomer compound which gives it resistance to oil-based process liquids.


Design Features:

The thickness and number of elastomer layers influence its vertical stiffness and its load carrying capability

The overall thickness displacement is mainly determined by the bearing's overall elastomer thickness

High-performance and specially formulated outer layers can be provided to give the bearing better resistance to environmental attack (Ozone UV etc.)

The quantity and geometry of the plates will determine the load bearing and stiffness characteristics

Other Features:

Special sizes to suit any application

Natural elastomer is the standard material but Polychloroprene and SBR are also available

Top and bottom mounting plates are available

Holes for locating pins are supplied where specified

Bearings with specification beyond what is shown can also be designed. Please contact us for further details

Typical material specification:


Test Standard


Tensile Strength ASTM D412 Die C 18 MPa (min)
Elongation @ Break ASTM D412 Die C 500% (min)
Compression Set ASTM D395 Method (B) 25% (max)
Resistance to Ozone Cracking ASTM D1149 No cracking visible to eye
Tear Resistance ASTM D624 Method (B) 75 N/mm (min)

Typical steel plate specification :

Minimum thickness: 2.0mm; Yield strength: 275 MPa (min); Breaking strength: 410 MPa (min)

Selection and Specification

Published International Standards, as well as offshore and infrastructure authorities and design engineers have varying approaches to bearing specifications but the following are provided as general guidelines:

The vertical compression deformation should not exceed 15% of the initial bearing thickness
The horizontal displacement under shear should be lower than 70% of the total thickness of the elastomer
Total shear tension due to vertical, horizontal and rotation muxst be lower than five times the shear modulus
The maximum compressive load should not be higher than 100-150 kg/cm2 
The minimum vertical load to avoid sliding in the structure should not be less than 30kg/cm2. If this condition cannot be satisfied, an anchored bearing should be used
For stability, the total effective height of the elastomer should be lower than a fifth of the smaller horizontal dimension, or if circular, a fifth of the diameter and it should be greater or equal to a tenth of the smaller horizontal dimension.


해양관측기기 및 수질자동관측장비 개발업체
풍부한 해양 측정기술과 연구경험을 바탕으로 해양관측기기 및 수질자동관측장비 개발에 선도적 역할을 수행해온 신양기술은 급변하는 경영환경에 적극 부응, 그동안 축적한 핵심역량을 바탕으로 기술집약적 고수익 사업구조로 재편하고 있습니다. 9개댐과 4대강의 수질관리를 위한 수질자동관측시스템 사업을 필두로 기상 및 해상관측장비, 해저케이블, 해상풍력발전, Offshore Engineering, Underwater Vehicle 및 해군 차세대 잠수함등의 주요자재를 개발, 공급하는 글로벌 해양엔지니어링 기업으로 도약해 나갈 것입니다. 최고품질을 위한 기술개발뿐만 아니라 우수인재양성, 열린경영과 환경경영의 기업문화를 실천하는 정직한 기업으로서 고객에게 최선의 솔루션을 제공하는 기업, 세계적 경쟁력을 갖춘 Global 기업으로 성장하는데 저희 신양기술 임직원 모두가 최선을 다 할 것을 약속드립니다. 새로운 꿈, 새로운 희망, 새로운 미래를 향해 도전하는 신양기술이 만들어갈 행복한 미래를 많은 관심과 사랑으로 지켜봐 주시기 바랍니다.