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DiaPlexQ™ 5 types Corneal Dystrophy (5-CD) Genotyping Kit (아벨리노 각막이상증)
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DiaPlexQ™ 5 types Corneal Dystrophy (5-CD) Genotyping Kit (아벨리노 각막이상증)
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DiaPlexQ™ 5 types Corneal Dystrophy (5-CD) Genotyping Kit

5종 각막이상증 유전자 TGFβI(βIGH3) 변이 검사 시약

Real-Time PCR


본 제품은 구강상피 세포, 모근, 혈액에서 Real-Time Allele-specific PCR 방법을 이용하여 TGFβI(βIGH3)유전자내R124H, R124L, R124C (Exon 4, codon 124), R555W, R555Q (Exon 12, codon 555)의 변이를 검출하는 시약입니다. 별도의 추가 시약 필요없이 Kit내에 포함되어 있는 2X Multiplex Real-Time PCR Smart mix(DNA polymerase,buffer,dNTP포함)와 target gene specific primer&probe mixture(CD)만으로PCR 반응이 이루어질 수 있도록 설계되었으며, 교차오염을 줄이기위해 UDG system을 적용하여 PCR product에 의한 carryover contamination을 방지, 오염에 의한 위양성의 가능성을 최소화하였습니다.

검체 DNA의 증폭된 결과는 allelic discrimination plot 또는 amplification plot을 통해 실시간으로 분석결과를 모니터링 할 수 있으며, positive control로 3 가지 타입의 Control DNA를 제공함으로,이를 임상 검체 결과와 비교하여 올바른 결과해석을 하도록 합니다.


DiaPlexQ™ 5 types Corneal Dystrophy (CD) Genotyping Kit
Detection targetSNP of codon 124, 555 in TGFβI (R124H, R124L, R124C, R555Q, R555W)
Detection technologyReal-Time PCR
Specimen type혈액(Blood), 구강 상피 세포(Buccal epithelial cell)
Compatible instruments*ABI 7500 / 7500 Fast Real-Time PCR System (Applied Biosystems)
CFX96™ Real-Time PCR System (Bio-Rad)
PCR running time~ 2hrs


- HotStart PCR system : High specific and sensitive result

- UDG system : No carryover contamination

- Multiplex PCR : Multiple targets in a single reaction

- Positive control included

- Easy-to-use master mix

- CE certification


 BlueMutant type (ACD, RBCD, LCD, TBCD, GCD)
 GreenCD Hetero type
● Black

Non-Template Control


Ridgway AEA, Moller HU (1992)

Genetics of granular dystrophy. Ophthalmology 99:175

Rogers C, Cohen P, Lawless M (1993)

Phototherapeutic keratectomy for Reis-Bucklers‘corneal dystrophy. Aust N Z J Ophthalmol 21:247–25

Munier FL, Korvatska E, Djema¨ı A, Le Paslier D, Zografos L, Pescia G, Schorderet DF(1997)

Kerato-epithelin mutations in four 5q31-linked corneal dystrophies. Nat Genet 15:247–25

Garner A.

Histochemistry of corneal granular dystrophy. Br J Ophthalmol 1969;53:799 805.

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Granular dystrophy of the cornea: characteristic electron microscopic lesion. Arch Ophthalmol 1970;84:179–92.

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Superficial granular corneal dystrophy with amyloid deposit. Arch Ophthalmol 1992;110:175–6.

Holland EJ, Daya SM, Stone EM, et al.

Avellino corneal dystrophy: clinical manifestations and natural history. Ophthalmology 1992;99:1564–8.

주문정보 (Ordering information)

TechnologyCat. No.ProductContents

Real-Time PCR
SQH29-K020 (20 reaction)

DiaPlexQ ™ 5 type Corneal Dystrophy(CD) Genotyping Kit
2X Multiplex Real-Time PCR Smart mix (CD)
Primer & Probe Mixture (CD)
Wild-type Control Template (CD)
Hetero-type Control Template (CD)
Mutant-type Control Template (CD)
Nuclease free Water

SQH29-K100 (100 reaction)

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