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스마트 터보블로워
Catalog-Turbowin-Smart Turbo Blower
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터보블로워, 터보컴프레서 제조업체

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스마트 터보블로워
WL-i10, WL-i20, WL-i30, WL-i40, WL-i50, WL-i75, WL-i100, WL-i125, WL-i150, WL-i200, WL-i250, WL-i200, WL-i300, WL-i400, WL-i500, WL-i600, WL-i700, WL-i800, WL-i1000, WL-i1200
제품 상세 정보

Smart Turbo Blower
Navigate the Industry 4.0 revolution from innovative R&D of Turbowin

The first phase of the industrial revolution began with the invention of the mechanized loom in 1784, as mechanical production plants were driven by water or steam power. The second phase was heralded in at the end of the 19th century with the use of electricity to power machinery. The third phase commenced with the use of IT and electronics in production in the 1970s. 1969 saw the first programmable logic controller (PLC), which enabled further automation. We are now at the start of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, in which connected, intelligent systems interact in Turbowin’s smart factory. Turbowin’s advanced WL-i Series turbo blower products connect our precious people with Turbowin’s smart factory machinery and smart networking systems so as to enable processes that are largely automated.

World Class Efficiency Proven to be the Best

Living in the globe means that we are no stranger to the growing issue of global warming. Every member of the population is actively encouraged to make even the smallest of lifestyle changes to improve their efficiency. We should all aim to take a ‘kind to nature’ approach to daily tasks, using ‘green technology’ which relates to smart devices that have been designed aiming to lower or reverse the effects humans have on the environment. Now, Turbowin is familiarised with the definition of eco-friendly technology with another self-renewing energy saving efficiency figure, which is already difficult to achieve, achieved a whopping 57.5%.


Commitment to Assure the Highest Quality

Turbowin’s continuous effort on developing turbomachinery has led to the creation of new-generation SMART turbo blower that can endure even in surge areas without being easily overloaded. We proudly offer a 5-YEAR warranty period to ensure our global customers to experience the best quality of turbo blowers anytime, anywhere. Our Customer Service Center is always on stand-by 24/7 to quickly respond to our customers’ needs and provide assistance in case of any emergencies.

# SMART Internet of Things (IoT)

From Compressed Air Solutions to Life Care Solutions

Turbowin has become a game changer in revolutionizing and re-defining turbo blowers into a greater meaning in our daily lives. The newest WL-i Series is embedded with Internet of Things (IoT) system, enabling us to connect with the machine in various ways - through smart phones, tablet PCs and laptops, anywhere at any given time. This allows users to simply control and monitor blower systems with just a touch of a button even in remote areas. All data are real-time measured and processed through our latest version of control system, which are then sent to users, allowing them to constantly monitor the performance of their blower.


Extra Convenience for Blower Management

Turbowin’s latest SMART blower provides users with the ideal user interface (UI) that is carefully designed to be more user-friendly. Even for customers that are new to turbo machine can easily manage and control the machine with our advanced system. Our enhanced data visualization allows users to easily monitor the performance of the machine. By eliminating multiple layers of channels for different options, users will have less trouble switching operations and changing settings through our new user interface.


Achieving Economies of Scale

To improve productivity and quality of our products, Turbowin has expanded its facility to a new SMART factory in the year 2020. The new facility includes Internet of Things (IoT) based production line where most of our resources and data are processed automatically to ensure precision and the right timing for all manufacturing processes. Our production capacity has tripled compared to the past, enabling us to achieve economies of scale by increasing the production units and ultimately lowering the overall production costs.

Customer AUO
Location Hsinchu Science Park, Hsinchu City 30078, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Application Wastewater treatment
Model 125 HP 0.6Bar
Units 1 unit
Commissioning October 14th, 2019


Directly Applicable thru Industry 4.0 Revolution

터보블로워, 터보컴프레서 제조업체
터보윈의 가치관, 도전 우리는 도전정신만을 가지고, 2000년부터 세계 어디에도 없는 친환경 터보 블로워 개발을 시작했습니다. 증속기어를 없애고 임펠러와 모터를 직접 연결하여 초고속으로 회전시키는 고속 모터 개발, 초고속 운전을 견딜 수 있는 베어링 개발, 초고속 모터를 제어하는 인버터 및 제어기 개발 등 당시에 기초 기술이 전혀 없는 상황에서 터보 블로워를 구성하는 핵심기술들을 하나 하나 순차적으로 개발하였습니다. 경험과 기술적 우위를 기반으로 2003년 드디어 신개념 터보 블로워의 양산에 성공하였습니다. 이러한 열악한 환경에서 개발을 지속해 오다 2015년 터보윈(주)를 창업하여, 제2의 도전을 시작하였으며 무결점 꿈의 제품인 WL series, WH series를 개발하였습니다. 지금도 도전정신으로 4차 산업혁명에 가장 적합한 친환경 터보 압축기 및 초소형 터보 압축기 개발에 최선을 다하고 있습니다. 터보윈의 마인드, 열정 스포츠에 대한 열정을 가진 사람이 경기장에서 신발을 판매하면서 거대 스포츠 회사인 나이키는 탄생되었습니다. 당사도 열정 하나만으로 수십 년간 터보 기계를 개발해온 사람들이 창업했습니다. 그래서, 저희는 연구개발도, 제품을 생산하며 부품 하나 하나에도, 고객서비스도 그 모든 것에 열정을 가지고 해왔습니다. 앞으로도 당사는 맑고 깨끗한 환경을 위한 제품개발에 모든 임직원이 열정을 가지고 앞장설 것이며, 이것이 당사의 모든 임직원의 마인드입니다. 터보윈의 목표, 행복 모두 행복하게 잘 살아보자는 신념으로 시작된 터보윈은 고객의 행복, 임직원의 행복, 주주의 행복을 최선으로 합니다. 당사는 '기업은 사람이 만드는 것이며, 사람이 이끌고, 사람이 발전시키는 것이다'란 것을 믿습니다.