폭발성 환경, 해양 및 광산업을 위한 특수 케이블 글랜드, 정션 박스, 스레드 변환기 및 전기 부속품
대리점 목록
모델 목록
CCG BW Captive Cone Gland® for SWA and Aluminium Armoured Cable
BWCCG D1W Captive Component Gland® for Steel Wire Armoured and Aluminium Armoured Cable
D1WCCG CW Captive Component Gland® for Steel Wire and Aluminium Armoured Cable
CWCCG E1W Captive Component Gland® for SWA and Aluminium Armoured Cable
E1WCCG E1W VS Captive Component Gland® for SWA, Copper Tape or Lead Sheathed Cable
E1W VSCCG A2 Single Compression Gland for Unarmoured Cable