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Cool-Shot Ultra (Performance Enhancer)
Additives for AC/R Systems
Catalog-Errecom-Cool shot ultra
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Repair Refrigerant Gas Leaks, Refrigerant Gas Leak Detection, Additives for AC/R Systems and more

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Cool-Shot Ultra (Performance Enhancer)
TR1170.AL.01.S2, TR1170.AL.H1.S2, TR1170.AL.H7.S2, TR1170.AL.H2.S2, TR1170.AL.H4.S2, TR1170.AL.H8.S2, TR1170.AL.H3.S2, TR1170.AL.H6.S2
제품 상세 정보

Performance Enhancer for the efficiency of AC/R Systems

COOL-SHOT ULTRA is a synthetic catalyst that restores the original cooling temperature of air conditioning systems avoiding the formation of “Oil Fouling” phenomenon.

The package contains all necessary adapters so you can use COOL-SHOT ULTRA on any kind of air conditioning and refrigeration system including those of the Motor Vehicles.

Cool-Shot Ultra must be inserted inside an Air Conditioning or Refrigeration System through the low pressure side port. Once inserted it will begin to circulate inside the System transported by the refrigerant gas and the compressor oil by removing the oil deposits on the walls of the system (Oil Fouling phenomenon).

Use of Cool-Shot Ultra in Automotive Air Conditioning Systems

  • 6 mL is the universal dose for all motor vehicles.
  • It restores the heat exchange of the refrigeration lines.
  • It reduces the energy consumption of the system.
  • It doesn't contain polymers and doesn't react to humidity and oxygen.
  • Safe for the system components.
  • It extends the life of the compressor and reduces its noise.
  • Ideal for preventive applications.

Use Cool-Shot Ultra in Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Systems.

  • 6 mL is the universal dose for systems up to 21 Kw or containing 700 ml of oil.
  • It restores the heat exchange of the refrigeration lines.
  • It reduces the energy consumption of the system.
  • It doesn't contain polymers and doesn't react to humidity and oxygen.
  • Easy to insert in working systems with refrigerant gases R410a e R32 through the
  • Safe for the system components.
  • Ideal for preventive applications.
  • It extends the life of the compressor and reduces its noise.

The package contains all the adapters required for the use on all kind of air conditioning and refrigeration system including those of the Motor Vehicles.

이 기업의 다른 제품
Repair Refrigerant Gas Leaks, Refrigerant Gas Leak Detection, Additives for AC/R Systems and more
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