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[discontinued] Vortex Air Pump
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로타리댐퍼, 볼텍스튜브, 공기냉각장치, 에어나이프, 스토퍼실린더, 완충기, 인라인휠터

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[discontinued] Vortex Air Pump
제품 상세 정보


Model Material Port Size Intake Processing Capacity (ℓ/min)
SMVAPN-22 Nylon 22mm 10cmHg 15(424) CFM
SMVAPS-38 Stainless Steel 38mm 7.4cmHg 42(1,189) CFM
SMVAPS-50 Stainless Steel 50mm 6.2cmHg 59(1,670) CFM
SMVAPS-75 Stainless Steel 75mm 4.4cmHg 106(3001) CFM

(Note) The above table values supply pressure 87PSIG 6bar as basic measurements






Injection Performance (SMVAPN-22)

Bar Inlet Air Flow
Outlet Air Flow
1.4 0.181 1.520
2.8 0.296 2.359
4.2 0.393 2.900
5.5 0.510 3.365


Intake Performance Table (SMVAPN-22)

Bar Inlet Air Flow
Outlet Air Flow
1.4 0.190 0.415
2.8 0.310 2.101
4.2 0.428 2.590
5.5 0.529 2.930



Type Nomenclature



Vortex Air Pump

Vortex Air Pump is made by means of Vortex air amplification technology.

The materials are two kinds of plastic structure and stainless steel. During the air amplification, it induces as much as 25 times of air from the environment, then the negative pressure becomes the suction of the Vortex Air Pump. The induced air rushes out from the other side of the gun which produces strong blow-off power.





Method of Operation

A small amount of compressed air enters the annular orifice of the Vortex Air Pump. The compressed air accelerates to sonic speed as it exits the orifice. At the exit, the sonic speed air creates a low-pressure area (vacuum area) drawing in the surrounding air creating the amplification, and utilizing the free ambient air to create large flows. Vortex Deep Hole Cleaning Gun can be used according to the work situation because it can be changed to a vacuum (intake) or jet (blow off) by changing the position of nozzles. Vortex Air Pump is quiet, safe, and maintenance-free due to having no moving parts. Vortex Air Pump gives you high performance at industrial sites without electrical noise and with convenience.

When changing the position of the nozzle tube, the status is converted to vacuum (intake) or jet (blow off). Please make sure that the insertion of the gasket is perfect when changing the nozzle tube.




Convey plastic pellets into the hopper of the molding machine, vacuum, and intake

  • Blowing off dust & chips
  • Cleaning parts
  • Cooling parts
  • Cooling dies and molds



Stainless application


Glass processing, machining chips (Chips), glass bottles, a high-temperature cooling of vessel top, grains of appropriate size




  • Instant On and Off
  • No moving parts
  • No electrical noise
  • Removal of foreign matters and chips
  • Shock-resistant
  • Lightweight and ergonomically designed
  • Transfer of objects




  • Low cost
  • Easy to control
  • No maintenance
  • Instant On and Off
  • Suitable for various purposes of vacuum and intake
  • No electricity
  • Easy to handle
  • Meets OSHA specifications
  • Lightweight, easy to carry
이 기업의 다른 제품
로타리댐퍼, 볼텍스튜브, 공기냉각장치, 에어나이프, 스토퍼실린더, 완충기, 인라인휠터
발전적인 사고와 도전하는 정신으로 나날이 변화하는 시대와 함께하는 (주)세양메카트로닉스는 자동화기기 관련 제품을 기업에서 요구되는 품질기준에 맞춰 항상 최고의 기업보다는 최선을 다하는 기업으로 거듭나겠습니다. (주)세양메카트로닉스의 주요 제품은 압축공기를 이용한 Vortex시스템 제품인 공기냉각장치(Vortex Tube, Vortex Cool Tool, Vortex CNC Cooler)와 Vortex 고분사장치, Vortex 공기커튼, Vortex 진공흡입, Vortex 공기흡입건등 공정개선 장치에 필요한 제품을 생산제조하는 전문 기업입니다. 산업현장에서의 생산속도가 빠르면서 고도의 정밀 기술에 적용하는 산업용 완충기(Industrial Shock Absorber),그리고 가전 및 음료 자판기,비데, 생활제품의 덮개 완충에 적합한 Rotary Damper를 각 기업에 공급하고 있습니다.  