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FCBGA : Flip Chip Ball Grid Array
FCBGA : Flip Chip Ball Grid Array
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(주)에스에프에이반도체Assembly and Test, Bumping, 주문형, 포장 반도체 생산, 조립, 검사, 임가공, 화상이미지 전송 칩 제작
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FCBGA : Flip Chip Ball Grid Array
제품 상세 정보


The fcBGA package is the main platform in flip Chip package family, which includes bare die, a thermally enhanced type with one/two piece heat spreader or lid (Lidded fcBGA), SiP (SiP fcBGA) types and a package subsystem meeting the standard BGA footprint that contains multiple components within the same package (MCM fcBGA). Options also include configurations with thin core, Pb-free and Cu Pillar bump. The variety of FCBGA package options allows package selection to be tailored to the specific thermal needs of the end product. High performance ASIC products typically utilize a Lidded format that features a controlled bondline die attach direct to a copper heat spreader. This feature produces the lowest possible thermal resistance (Theta JC) between the package and any externally applied thermal solution. The copper heat spreader effectively spreads heat laterally away from the die to the package perimeter and into the motherboard. Lower wattage products generally utilize Bare Die or Molded configurations. In these cases, the flip chip construction, with solder bumps and core vias, provides a lower resistance path from the active side of the die through the substrate, allowing heat dissipation both from the package surface and into the motherboard.



Computing / Consumer / Automotive
Graphics/chipsets for PC, Server, Game console and High-end application, Microprocessor for PC & Server memory, IoT, Navigation

Network products (LAN), Switching Transmission Cellular Base Stations



ㆍSubstrate Layer : 4~8

ㆍBump pitch : Min.130um (Solder bump)

ㆍDie size : Max. 25mm

ㆍHeat Spreader : One/Two piece, Customization

ㆍPackage size : Max. 45mm (50~60mm in develop.)

ㆍBGA pitch : Min 0.4mm (0.5~1.0mm)

(주)에스에프에이반도체Assembly and Test, Bumping, 주문형, 포장 반도체 생산, 조립, 검사, 임가공, 화상이미지 전송 칩 제작
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